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Episode 86, (episode 8 of Season 5 )


< Fool For Love | Shadow | Listening To Fear >

In which Riley still feels unappreciated, Joyce has a tumour, Glory gets her mojo working, and Buffy battles a giant snake.

Official back-of-box synopsis:

In an attempt to protect her sister Dawn from danger, Buffy must face an evil force that has been called by Glory to find 'the Key'. Meanwhile, Buffy's mother must undergo more medical tests.

From the old WB Buffy website:

BUFFY MAY HAVE MET HER MATCH - In order to protect her sister Dawn, Buffy must face a horrible beast that has been conjured by the powerful demon Glory to help seek out "The Key."
Image From Shadow, Episode 86


< Fool For Love | Shadow | Listening To Fear >

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