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Episode 10, (episode 10 of Season 1 )


< The Puppet Show | Nightmares | Invisible Girl >

In which nightmares become reality, Buffy loses her humanity, Willow loses her cool, Giles loses his perspicactiy, and Xander loses his clothes. (Exhibit B in the 'Xander is Hot' debate)

From the old WB Buffy website:

NIGHTMARE AT SUNNYDALE HIGH - The world of nightmares and reality become one when everyone in Sunnydale is living out their worst fears. While Xander comes to school in his underwear and Giles is unable to read, Buffy must unravel the mystery before reality folds completely into the world of nightmares.
Image From Nightmares, Episode 10


< The Puppet Show | Nightmares | Invisible Girl >

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